All About French Bulldogs

Bulldogs have always been a popular breed and the French bulldog is no different. Although they are separate from the bulldog breed, they were bred to be a smaller version. They were also bred as a companion dog, and many people still appreciate their ability to be by your side as a companion down to this day. In the early years, they were also used as a ratter but more than likely, they are going to be found hanging out with the family today.

Originally, the French bulldog was bred in England and they were meant to be a smaller sized version of the larger bulldog. Because of the popularity of the breed, they emigrated from England to France and eventually, they became a rather popular breed in that area as well. It wasn’t long before the popularity of this breed was recognized by those who lived in the United States and as of 1896, they have been invited to the Westminster Kennel Club Show. They are known as the “Frenchy”, which is a name that is still used down to this day.

Since the French bulldog was bred as a companion animal, they tend to want to stick by your side all of the time. In fact, you may find that leaving a French bulldog alone for any amount of time will result in quite a welcome when you return home again. In addition to being a rather interesting lapdog, the French bulldog is also rather intelligent. You can train them to do a wide variety of tricks but the training can go far beyond those simple tricks. It helps them to be a more stable part of the family.

Hip dysplasia may be a problem in the French bulldog, although it is not an issue that all of them are going to experience. Early screening for the problem can help to rule out the issue and alert you to the problem so that it can be dealt with in the best way possible. They are also prone to allergies, which could include being allergic to certain types of food. If they do experience any allergic reactions, it is important to rule out why they have them.

As a lapdog, the French bulldog does not typically need to be exercised on a regular basis. It is important to get them some exercise, however, because they can quickly put on some weight if they are not fed properly. Taking them outside for a daily romp in the yard is all that is typically necessary but you don’t need to do it for very long, because they will tire out quickly. When training a bulldog, you have to weigh the stubbornness that they may show with their intelligence. Finding the right technique is imperative for proper training.

If you are somebody that wants a companion dog that is there for you and rarely ever leaves your side, the French bulldog is an excellent choice. They are a compassionate dog that fits in well with the family.

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