Pit Bull Training: Socialization to Combat Dog Aggression

These days, the pit bull is probably one of the most misunderstood breeds around. The public sees them as mindless killing machines and a danger to humans and other animals alike. There are many forms of aggression including dog aggression, fear aggression, people aggression and animal aggression. A dog can become animal or dog aggressive if they were not properly socialized as a puppy. Socialization is an important part of pit bull training. It teaches your dog how to correctly interact with other animals and takes away the fear that’s associated with this type of aggression.

Pit Bull Training: Correcting Unwanted Behaviors

easiest dogs to train

For some dogs, it can be difficult to determine what type of aggression they’re dealing with and each type of aggression includes different methods and techniques used in order for your dog to overcome this serious behavioral issue. Dog aggression is common in most breeds and it’s one of the easiest to control and prevent. Dog aggression is not breed specific and not limited to pit bulls.  For some reason, the light is shone solely on pit bulls for this type of behavior, overlooking smaller breeds such as Chihuahuas that also deal with this issue. So what increases a pit bull’s risk for dog aggression? If your dog was taken away from its mother earlier than eight weeks old, if you fail to spay or neuter your dog or if you don’t bother to socialize them, this increases the risk that your dog will become dog or animal aggressive later in life. Aggression will rear its ugly head usually around the time a dog hits puberty, which occurs around ten months of age.

Begin training your pit bull and socializing them the day you bring them home. Neuter or spray your pet as soon as your vet gives the go ahead, usually around three or four months of age. If you have to run errands, never leave two dogs alone together. Never trust your dogs not to fight when left alone, regardless of breed. Properly crate train your pets in order to leave them home alone in a safe and secure environment.

Never let your pit run loose at a dog park for this same reason.

Dealing with Aggression in Pit Bulls

Socializing involves monitored play time between two dogs that are roughly the same age.

If your pit bull displays no form of aggression, bring them in public, around people and other animals as much as possible. This not only offers your pet the chance to interact with other animals and people, stimulating their desire to please, but it also gives the breed some desperately needed positive PR.

If your dog’s aggression gets out of control, it’s definitely time to meet with a dog behaviorist. These professionals will work to identify the cause of your pet’s aggression and help you to guide them through the process of working out this issue through positive reinforcement and corrective training. If your dog shows any sign of aggression never bring them around other dogs or to highly populated areas.

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