When Grooming Goes Wrong

Most dog owners consider the grooming process to be a relatively easy thing to do. In fact, they may even decide to do it at home. Grooming your dog on your own helps to save time and money and if it does result in any inconvenience, it is often mild compared to what you would experience if you took your dog to a professional groomer. That being said, there are also times when you may experience problems when grooming a dog.

Some dogs do just fine at the groomer but if a problem comes up unexpectedly, you may need to deal with immediately. These may vary from one dog to another, but when they are a problem, you would want to know what to do to correct the issue. Here are a few of the more common problems that you may experience.

Aggression – Believe it or not, one of the problems that could come up out of the blue is for aggressive tendencies to show in your dog when the grooming is taking place. Perhaps the dog is just having a bad day or they may even be sick, leading to more aggressive tendencies.

If your dog tends to get aggressive when they are being groomed, you may need to have the right type of equipment on hand to handle the situation. These could include some secure restraints that are gentle for the dog and will help to keep them on the grooming table. You might also want to consider a muzzle for the dog to keep from getting bit.

Cuts – If you are grooming your dog at home, you might end up cutting them, which can cause some serious drama. Of course, none of us would want to cause our dog harm but we are working with sharp tools when grooming and the dog may move unexpectedly. Be sure that you have a first-aid kit on hand just in case of the issues occur. You should also speak in a calm voice when dealing with such a problem to keep the dog from getting excited.

Nails – Trimming a dog’s nails can be tricky and it is not out of the question to cut them to the quick, especially if the dog is cooperating or if you are inexperienced in trimming the nails. One little slip is all it takes and before you know it, the dog is bleeding. It is a good idea to be prepared in advance with some styptic powder or a styptic pencil. You can typically purchase these at a pet store. Apply it to the dog immediately, several times if necessary, until the bleeding stops. You should also apply compression to the area for a minimum of two minutes and then wrap the area in ice to help reduce blood flow.

Experiencing these types of problems when grooming a dog can be stressful but they don’t need to keep you from doing so regularly. As you continue to learn more about grooming and gain experience, you will find that any problems are few and far between.

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