Pit Bull Training: Socialization to Combat Dog Aggression

easiest dogs to train

These days, the pit bull is probably one of the most misunderstood breeds around. The public sees them as mindless killing machines and a danger to humans and other animals alike. There are many forms of aggression including dog aggression, fear aggression, people aggression and animal aggression. A dog can become animal or dog aggressive …

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Why Labs are the Easiest Dogs to Train

border collie training

If you want to add a new member to your family and you’re searching for a dog that has a great temperament, is loving, energetic and the perfect companion, then the Labrador can be the perfect family pet. This breed is considered one of the easiest dogs to train because they’re fiercely loyal to their …

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How to Leash Train a Dog Easily

German shepherd training

Aside from potty training, how to leash train a dog is one of the biggest challenges you’ll encounter during your puppy’s first year. A puppy is full of energy and eager to learn. With the right knowledge and methods, you can effectively train your pup to learn how to calmly walk on a leash in …

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Border Collie Training: Burning off Energy

border collie with a stick

In the beginning, Border collie training can be difficult because these animals are so high energy, not to mention crafty and highly intelligent. They need to be challenged and have a purpose. Border collies have a natural herding instinct and were developed to perform as working dogs, herding flocks.  Because of this, a bored border …

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Stop Puppy Biting During Playtime

German shepherd training

You’ve brought your new puppy home and now your hands are full as you attempt to teach your dog right from wrong. During this journey, your first major behavior to tackle is to stop puppy biting. Puppy biting is a normal phase all young dogs go through as they experience their new world. Puppies will …

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